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Pink Floyd - дискография

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Кавер-версии Pink Floyd здесь


Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: The Dark Side Of The Moon
Год: 1973

Формат: wma
Качество: 300-420 kbps
Размер: 99 Мб

Roger Waters - bass, keyboards, vocals
Dave Gilmour - guitar, vocals
Rick Wright - keyboards, vocals
Nick Mason - drums

Dick Parry - saxophone on Us And Them and Money
Clare Torry - vocal on The Great Gig In The Sky
Doris Troy, Leslie Duncan, Liza Strike, Barry St John - backing vocals

01. Speak To Me
02. Breathe In The Air
03. On The Run
04. Time
05. The Great Gig In The Sky
06. Money
07. Us And Them
08. Any Colour You Like
09. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse





Год: 1977
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320 kbps
Размер: 91 Мб

1. Pigs on the Wing I  – 1:24
2. Dogs  – 17:06
3. Pigs (Three Different Ones)  – 11:28
4. Sheep  – 10:21
5. Pigs on the Wing II  – 1:27




Pink Floyd

Wish You Were Here

[реклама вместо картинки]

1   Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 1-5)
2   Welcome To The Machine   
3   Have A Cigar   
4   Wish You Were Here   
5   Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 6-9)

Roger Waters - bass
Dave Gilmour - guitar
Rick Wright - keyboards
Nick Mason - drums

Dick Parry - saxophone on Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Roy Harper - vocal on Have A Cigar
Venetta Fields, Carlena Williams - backing vocals

Recorded at Abbey Road Studios
January to July 1975
All Lyrics by Roger Waters

Формат: wma
Качество: 350-380 kbps
Размер: 108 Мб




[реклама вместо картинки]

Pink Floyd
The Division Bell
Формат: wma
Качество: 320-370 kbps
Размер: 141 Мб
Залито: ifolder

[реклама вместо картинки]




Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
Год издания: 1967
Стиль: Psychedelic rock
Формат: Mp3
Битрейт: 320
Размер: 90,7 МБ
Количество трэков: 11
Залито: Ifolder

01.Astronomy Domine
02.Lucifer Sam
03.Matilda Mother
05.Pow R. Toc H. (Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason)
06.Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk (Roger Waters)
07.Interstellar Overdrive (Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason)
08.The Gnome
09.Chapter 24

All songs written by Syd Barrett, except where noted.

Syd Barrett – guitar, lead vocals, back cover design
Roger Waters – bass guitar, vocals
Richard Wright – Farfisa Compact Duo, Hammond organ, piano, vocals
Nick Mason – drums, percussion
Peter Jenner – intro vocalisations on "Astronomy Domine"




Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: A Saucerful Of Secrets
Год издания: 1968
Стиль: Progressive rock, psychedelic rock
Формат: Mp3
Битрейт: 320
Размер: 74,4 МБ
Количество трэков: 7
Залито: Ifolder

01. Let There Be More Light (Roger Waters)
02. Remember a Day (Richard Wright)
03. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (Waters)
04. Corporal Clegg (Waters)
05. A Saucerful of Secrets (Waters / Wright / David Gilmour / Nick Mason)
06. See-Saw (Wright)
07. Jugband Blues (Syd Barrett)

Roger Waters – bass guitar, lead vocals
David Gilmour – lead guitar, lead vocals, kazoo (incorrectly spelled "Gilmore" on the album)
Richard Wright – piano, organ, mellotron, vibraphone, lead vocals
Nick Mason – drums, percussion, vocals on Corporal Clegg
Syd Barrett – rhythm guitar, vocals
Norman Smith – drums and backing vocals on "Remember a Day"
8 members of the Salvation Army (The International Staff Band) - Ray Bowes (cornet), Terry Camsey (cornet), Mac Carter (trombone), Les Condon (E♭ bass), Maurice Cooper (Euphonium), Ian Hankey (trombone), George Whittingham (B♭ bass), and one other in "Jugband Blues".




Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Soundtrack from the Film More
Год издания: 1969
Стиль: Progressive rock, psychedelic rock
Формат: Mp3
Битрейт: 320
Размер: 76,8МБ
Количество трэков: 13
Залито: Ifolder

01. Cirrus Minor (Roger Waters)
02. The Nile Song (Waters)
03. Crying Song (Waters)
04. Up the Khyber (Nick Mason, Richard Wright)
05. Green Is the Colour (Waters)
06. Cymbaline (Waters)
07. Party Sequence (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)
08. Main Theme (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)
09. Ibiza Bar (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)
10. More Blues (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)
11. Quicksilver (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)
12. A Spanish Piece (Gilmour)
13. Dramatic Theme (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)

David Gilmour – acoustic guitar, electric guitar, slide guitar, tape effects, flamenco guitars, bongos, vocals
Roger Waters – bass, guitar, tape and birdsong effects, bongos and gong
Richard Wright – Hammond & Farfisa organs, piano, vibraphone, bongos
Nick Mason – percussion, drums, bongos

Отредактировано Medoff (11.05.2009 22:20:48)




Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Ummagumma (Live album)
             Ummagumma (Studio album)
Год издания: 1969
Стиль: Progressive rock, psychedelic rock
Формат: Mp3
Битрейт: 320
Размер: 141,5МБ
Количество трэков: 9
Залито: Ifolder

Live album:
01. Astronomy Domine (Syd Barrett)
02. Careful with That Axe, Eugene (Roger Waters, Rick Wright, David Gilmour, Nick Mason)
03. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (Waters)
04. A Saucerful of Secrets: (Gilmour/Waters/Mason/Wright)
-Something Else
-Syncopated Pandemonium
-Storm Signal
-Celestial Voices
Studio album:
01. Sysyphus:
-Part 1
-Part 2
-Part 3
-Part 4
02. Grantchester Meadows (Waters)
03. Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict (Waters)
04. The Narrow Way: (Gilmour)
-Part 1
-Part 2
-Part 3
05. The Grand Vizier's Garden Party: (Mason)
-Part 1: Entrance
-Part 2: Entertainment
-Part 3: Exit

Roger Waters – bass guitar; vocals on "Atronomy Domine", "Careful with That Axe, Eugene", "Set the Controls…" and "Grantchester Meadows"; acoustic guitar on "Grantchester Meadows"; tape effects and voices on "Several Species…".
David Gilmour – guitars; vocals on "Astronomy Domine", "Careful with That Axe, Eugene" and "A Saucerful of Secrets"; all instruments and vocals on "The Narrow Way"
Richard Wright – keyboards; vocals on "Astronomy Domine"
Nick Mason – drums and percussion
Lindy Mason (then Mason's wife) – flute on "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party" (uncredited)




Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Atom Heart Mother
Год издания: 1970
Стиль: Progressive rock
Формат: Mp3
Битрейт: 320
Размер: 105,0МБ
Количество трэков: 5
Залито: Ifolder

01. Atom Heart Mother: (David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Ron Geesin)
-Father's Shout
-Breast Milky
-Mother Fore
-Funky Dung
-Mind Your Throats, Please
02. If (Waters)
03. Summer '68 (Wright)
04. Fat Old Sun (Gilmour)
05. Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast: (Gilmour, Waters, Wright, Mason)
-Rise and Shine
-Sunny Side Up
-Morning Glory

David Gilmour – guitars; bass guitar, drums and vocals on "Fat Old Sun"
Roger Waters – bass guitar, acoustic guitar on "If", tape effects, tape collage, vocals on "If"
Richard Wright – keyboards, piano, orchestration, vocals on "Summer '68"
Nick Mason – drums, percussion, tape editing, tape collage, additional engineering on "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast"
John Aldiss Choir – vocals
Alan Stiles – voice on "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast"
Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
Abbey Road Session Pops Orchestra – brass and orchestral sections

Часть 1
Часть 2



Этот двойной альбом стал последним из выпущенных группой в классическом составе: после его записи ушёл клавишник Ричард Райт. Основной автор - Роджер Уотерс, альбом написан на основе его личных переживаний и повествует о стене отчуждения, отделяющей главного героя Пинка от всего остального мира.
В 1982 году на экраны вышел полнометражный фильм на основе альбома. Сценарий был написан Уотерсом, режиссёром стал Алан Паркер, а анимация была создана известным мультипликатором Джеральдом Скарфом. В главной роли рок-звезды «Пинка» снялся основатель группы «Boomtown Rats» Боб Гелдоф.



Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: The Wall

Год: 1979
Формат: mp3 одним треком + cue
Качество: 320
Размер: 86+92 Мб

All songs composed by Roger Waters, except where noted

Side 1
1. "In the Flesh?"
2. "The Thin Ice"
3. "Another Brick in the Wall. Part 1"
4. "The Happiest Days of Our Lives"
5. "Another Brick in the Wall. Part 2"
6. "Mother"

Side 2
1. "Goodbye Blue Sky"     
2. "Empty Spaces"     
3. "Young Lust"   (Waters, Gilmour)
4. "One of My Turns"     
5. "Don't Leave Me Now"     
6. "Another Brick in the Wall. Part 3"     
7. "Goodbye Cruel World"     

Side 3
1. "Hey You"     
2. "Is There Anybody Out There?"     
3. "Nobody Home"     
4. "Vera"     
5. "Bring the Boys Back Home"     
6. "Comfortably Numb"   (Gilmour, Waters)

Side 4
1. "The Show Must Go On"     
2. "In the Flesh"     
3. "Run Like Hell"   (Gilmour, Waters)
4. "Waiting for the Worms"     
5. "Stop"     
6. "The Trial"   (Waters, Bob Ezrin)
7. "Outside the Wall"     

Roger Waters — vocals, bass guitar, synthesiser, guitars
David Gilmour — guitars, vocals, bass guitar, synthesiser, clavinet, percussion
Richard Wright — piano, organ, synthesiser, clavinet, bass pedals
Nick Mason — drums, percussion

Jeff Porcaro — drums on "Mother"
Lee Ritenour — Rhythm Guitar on "One of My Turns" and Acoustic Guitar on "Comfortably Numb"
Joe Porcaro — Marching Snare drum on "Bring the Boys Back Home"
Bleu Ocean — Marching Snare drum on "Bring the Boys Back Home"
Freddie Mandel — Hammond Organ on "In the Flesh?" and "In the Flesh"
Bobbye Hall — Percussion
Ron di Blasi — Classical guitar on "Is There Anybody Out There?"
Larry Williams — Clarinet on "Outside the Wall"
Trevor Veitch — Mandolin
Frank Marrocco — Concertina
Bruce Johnston — Backing Vocals
Toni Tennille — Backing Vocals
Joe Chemay — Backing Vocals
Jon Joyce — Backing Vocals
Stan Farber — Backing Vocals
Jim Haas — Backing Vocals
Fourth Form Music Class, Islington Green School, London — Backing Vocals
Bob Ezrin — co-producer; Orchestra Arrangement; Keyboards
Michael Kamen — Orchestra Arrangement
James Guthrie — Co-Producer; Engineer; Percussion; Synthesiser on "Empty Spaces" (in collaboration with David Gilmour), Sequencer; Drums on "The Happiest Days of Our Lives" (in collaboration with Nick Mason), remastering producer



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